Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why do I have to be were I am!

So, the Lord is really allowing me to go through the ringer right now! New up date on Alex, he might have a small hearing loss in one of his ears! This could account for his lack of babbling! We are still in the process of finding out!

Can I just tell you all to pray for me, Resa! Lots of things are going on and I don't know why the Lord is putting me through it all. I'm not sure the lesson I'm supposed to be learning but I know it must be a hard lesson to learn! Maybe there is no lesson I don't know. Maybe I have to go through what I'm going through for someone else! I know one thing and that is the Lords work is being done!

I am relying only on the Lord! He is the only person who is hearing my hurt and pain right now! For that I thank him! He has put good people in my life to support me right now! My girlfriends are the best and I thank them with all my heart! I thank my two closest friends!

The Lord is good!!! I trust in that! I have too!

Thank you,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So proud of Alex!!!!

I am so proud of my baby Alex!!! He is trying so hard to catch up! He works so very hard to do other things kids can do his age!

He if finally sleeping in his crib!! It was a lot of work put he is doing it! It's not to say that he doesn't wake up!

He is starting to pull up on things! He pulled himself up to his knee's in his crib! It was awesome to see. He looks at Eli jumping on his bed and he wants to do it in his crib!

He is trying to crawl around to catch up to his big brother! He's not crawling yet but he tries the best he can!! I get little glimpses of what life is going to be like with the two of them! I'm so very excited!!!

Good thing are starting to happen! He is getting the help he needs and is making big improvements. Still behind in motor skills and verbal skill but he is doing the best he can and I am so very proud of him!!!!!

Yeah Alex!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I had forgotten!!!!!

Hey everyone,
Life is moving on! Halloween was great! We made Eli the airplane costume that morning. That night we went to church and he got to play games and win candy. That was Eli's favorite part! Alex was wide awake for it all and had fun watching everyone. It was dark out so he could open his eyes all the way!

When Eli was 1 years old, I put together a slide show DVD for him. It had pictures of us at the hospital and Eli getting his hair washed. Most of it was pictures put there was some video of him saying "hi" at three weeks old and him rolling over! I really liked it! I put music to it and a fade in fade out transition.

I have not made one for Alex. Well, he is 1 now and I thought I should make him one. My friend let me borrow her computer and I am able to use it only for making the slide show. Tonight I was looking through my video of Alex in his first year! My husband and I thought we lost them on a hard drive that got corrupted but I was lucky I made a copy on a disk I didn't know about!

I saw videos of Alex babbling and kicking his legs and moving his arms. He was so energetic and full of life! This was all before the seizures and Mono and everything . It made me so very sad!!!!!! I started to cry and it hurt my heart very much so.

I had forgotten what he was like before the seizures!!!

I just see were he is now, trying so hard to catch up! Trying to follow his brother around and trying to see! It just brought back so much feelings. It hit me like a brick and it hurt!

I text my friend Suzy to see if she was still awake and she was! You know you have a good friend when you can call them at 10:30pm at night. I have two good friends that I know I can do that with. After that I felt better. Talked to God a little and thought I would write this down!

Life is hard right now but we are getting through it! I have the strength of the Lord and support from friends and family! I am very blessed by that!

Things are looking on the up and up! Alex is getting more therapy and I feel like I am getting a good support from Alta Regional and S.C.O.E! They seem to care a lot about Alex and want to give him the very best services!!!

If this video goes through, It's of Alex in December. He was a month and a half old!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

Here are my two boys and their Halloween costumes! Hope you like them. Not time to write about it but I will next time!

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