My Friend Catherine found this web site and signed up Alex. Someone sponsored him and he was sent a cape last week. He is super excited about it. He even took it to horse therapy with him! .Thank you for the person who sponsored him.
Alex has been doing so well. I just wanted to give you some updated videos! Everyday he is growing stronger!
We went to a Dr. Apt and he said he is healing really well. That come April we can set up an apt to take the pins out o his legs. I am super excited about that.
My daughter Emma just had a birthday. She is now 4. I can't belive how fast they grow. She is so much fun. She loves doing school work with her two I give her "Homework"too. She is always playing with Alex. Her favorite thing to do is play pretend.
She is into Barbie dolls and loves watching the Barbie movies. She is my girly girl and I love it!