Hi everyone,
Sorry that it has been awhile since I have posted anything! It has been quite busy with the holidays and taking care of Alex's needs! I hope everyone enjoyed the video of Alex crawling. He has done that three times and I'm hoping he will want to do that more. It is a big deal for our little Alex! We are so very proud of him.
We had a wonderful Christmas. The kids loved their gift. My parents got Eli a sleeping bag and he has gotten to use it twice alread and loves it. Santa brought him a desk for Christmas. He really likes that. Mommy has a desk for all her crafts and now he has a desk for all of his stuff!
Alex had a lot of fun opening all his gifts as well! We then went to our parents house and hung out with family! We all had a great time!
Christmas eve we had our annual gram cracker house decorating contest! With Jason's side of the family ever since I we got married we get together with as many family member that can come and have a contest! Some years we decorate cookies as well. These last two years Susan, Jason's sister has had a white elephant gift exchange that has become quite entertaining! She is all about the games.
We went to Tahoe one Sunday for the day and the kids got to see their first snow! Eli has seen it on t.v but never in person. He had a lot of fun and then we got pizza and drove home! It was a fun family event that we don't get to take often enough!
I thought things would calm down now that the holidays are over but I was wrong. Lots of Dr. appointments for Alex. We are very excited that Alex will be having his EYE SURGERY AT THE END OF THIS MONTH AND BEGINNING OF NEXT MONTH! His first surgery will be on Jan 28 for his left eye and his right eye is scheduled for February 6th. We have a lot of Pre-Op appointments and then Post-Op appointments. Please keep him in your prayers if you can remember.
Right now he is fighting a very bad cold that has been with him for about two and a half weeks. I took him to the docotor today and he has PINK EYE. This is not good and if it does not get better, if Alex's cold has not cleared up and his PINK EYE not better he will have to post pone the first surgery! We don't want that!
Please keep him in your prayers!
Eli is doing really well! He is also fighting of a bad cold as well. We pray that he does not get Pink Eye as well! He growing so fast. Right now he is testing me in everyway possible. It has been a bite of a strugel but he has to go through it! It is hard to go through but kinda exciting at the same time. I know that must sound crazy but he is becoming his own self and that is neat to see!
We wants to help me with cooking all the time. If it is making fried rice to his own peanut butter sandwitch he is all there. He is still having trouble with the fact that Alex gets so much attention with all his doctor visits. This next month is his birthday and he will be turning three. I am hoping to make it all about him and have it be really speacial. I told him to pick out a cake and I will make it for him!!
I am excited to start my card club! I love crafts!!! I love making cards and scrapbooking! It is all in the works now but I am hoping to host a party once a month for my friends who love to do all this as well. I will be teaching them how to make cards and other things. It will be a fun thing for me to do on the side! It will also allow me to get to know other people as well!
Jason is working really hard all the time! Things have been kinda hard for him as well. I won't go into detail. Please pray for him and stress!
Thank you for reading up on us and I hope this post finds you all well!
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