Saturday, September 4, 2010

Whooping Cough!

So, I really can't sleep all that well. Alex has this really bad cough and I was worried that it might be in his lungs. Last December he had pneumonia and was rushed to the E.R by ambulance and was dehydrated and had to have fluids through an I.V.

My new little one, Emma was taken to the hospital on Christmas Eve with RSV. She was only 1 month old.

My little Alex just gets everything. Not just little cold but the major things, R.S.V, Pneumonia, Mono. Really can't this kid catch a break. We got a call from the Dr. today telling us that he tested positive for whooping cough.

I don't watch t.v and we don't get the news paper. I really have not heard anything about this Whooping Cough. No excuse really. As a mother I should know these things.

Oh it's 1:35 and I am just so worried about everyone. My husband also has it! Just not a good thing around here!

For thouse who read this, Prayers are much needed! Lack of sleep... worried...and beat. We all are!

I guess God thinks I can handle a whole lot! Right now he is my strength because this human body has no more! There is light at the end of this very long tunel..... I hope! Give me the strength to get through this all! Pray that I don't get sick so that I can take care of all the others! When I am weak he is strong!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Love Love Love my Kids!!!!!!

All these picture were taken by my niece Corty Keller!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Before you know it, They are all grown up!!!

Hi everyone, I have just got to share with you that I have been able to take a little breather. Life is still as crazy as ever, but for some reason I am able to look at my kids and see them! Actually see them and enjoy them!

A few fun this have happened this week...

Tuesday my little Emma started to get across the floor all by herself. She is not on her hands and knees yet but she is moving her self around. I have so been able to enjoy her "littleness" ! To enjoy her as a baby and to see her learning in all her glory!! I missed out on that with Alex and at the beginning I was missing out on Emma being a baby when she was born. Not sure how to explain it. Just could not fully enjoy Emma as a baby with all the stuff going on with Alex. God has given me that blessing of seeing my child where she is!!! So very thankful!!! She also went in the pool for the first time this week and she swung in a swing for the first time. Alex got to enjoy pushing Emma on the the swing. At first she just looked at me with this blank impression. Not sure how to react. Then she saw my Big smile and the giggles started to pour out of her mouth and that Smile was so big! She loved them both. Yeah!!

Alex tonight signed three word all together. Not really sure what it meant but the fact that he signed three thing together just made my heart flutter with joy! He signed Car, yes, please. Not sure really what he was saying, but I know that he is little by little starting to get language. We were at my friend Jan's house for lunch and Alex was sitting up straight (his back straight not in a "C" shape) and his knees were bent! Most of the time for balance and his tone his knees are always straight out. But I saw that and so so proud of him. He also get's to be fitted for new braces for his legs next Tuesday. So exciting!! Just the little things are so great for me right now!

Eli, my little Eli, wow he is growing up so fast. I just look at him and though nothing is wrong with him, he just takes on the world! After I sign something to Alex he tries to sign the same thing to Alex. He want's to communicate with his brother. He doesn't always know how to play with Alex. He plays around him but not with him. We are working hard on that but he wanted to sign with him and to me that is so amazing!! So nice to see as a mother.

We did have a scare thing happen with him. He feel in my sisters pool and was drowning. Very scary. I was at the other end with Emma and I heard a splash and I saw his arms waving up in the air. My first reaction was to get over to him. Fortunately my sister Mindy was right there and jumped in after him! For some reason there was no fear in my heart. There was just, I have to get over to him and pick him up. That was from God. I just know it was! I am so thankful that it did not traumatize Eli. He was fine after that and really did not cry at all. Taught me a less though, Have him wear a life jacket even if he is not going to go in the water. Think I will be going to Wallgreens and getting that $7 life jacket for him for next time. Smile

Over all this week has been a really good week! The highlight for me with this week , as well as all the highlight my kids had, was hanging out with my friend Jan and talking with her. To be real and to talk about hard stuff with someone you trust is truly a blessing from God. She has been such an encouragement to me! You should see her with my kids! They love her so much. Eli is always saying " I need to sleep in my bed so that I can tell Jan that I did." "I put on my cloths all by myself, Gotta tell Jan she would be proud." Thank you Jan for being you! I pray that everyone has a Jan in their life!!! Smile

Also, I feel like I have one of the best sisters in the world. Mindy and her husband have been so kind in every way with me and my family. I am truly blessed and want to acknowledge that! Thank you Mindy for being a wonderful sister and an amazing Aunti. Thank you Chad for being a most wonderful childlike Uncle to my kids!!

There a lots of wonderful positives in my life amongst the crazyness in my life and I thank God for allowing me to see that!

Till next time! Sweat dreams!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


My heart is heavy for my little one!! He just got over another sickness that took him out for about a week! The only symptom was a fever over the weekend and then the next week he slept. He was so tired all week. I was really worried about him.

This is going to be the norm for him when he gets sick. It takes all the energy for his little body has to fight the sickness off. To see my little one like this... words can not describe! The worst part about it is...we have very little communication between each other. I sign to him all the time and he is slowly learning signs. It's been a total nightmare trying to get him speech therapy. I kept signing "I LOVE YOU". I hope that he understand the depth of love I have for him!!!

Someday there will be a time when HE can tell me "I LOVE YOU" if it's with words or if it is through sign I will take it anyway I can. I want to know him!!!! I want to know what goes on in that little sweet head of his! I desperately want to help him when he is frustrated and can't get across what he wants. To have just a conversation with him would be a dream come true!

My heart is heavy for my little one! So I ask the Lord for strength for Patience, for understanding as I teach my little boy language in some form. (What we most of the time take for granted.) I pray for sensitivity when he throws his tantrum and for the wisdom to know how to deal with them when they arise!

I know in my heart how deep the love goes and where it's gonna take us both! For it is not only my love but God's love, and how much more love can that be!!!!

My dear little Alex, you are amazing!! Your smile and giggle light up my day! I see how much you want and desire, just in your eyes and I so want to get you to where you need to be! May I be your example of Gods love pouring down on you. To be the cheerleader you need me to be.
To be your mom is such a privilege that I never take lightly! Thank you so much for being a little Alex!!!! I LOVE YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Tomorrow is Mothers Day! I have been thinking a lot about it tonight! I love being a mother! When I was young that is one thing I wanted to be when I grew up! For me becoming a Mother is the hardest thing! There is so much to that title!

As a Mom, I pray that my kids know that I love them. Yes, I tell them over and over again but I really want them to know in their minds and in their hearts! As for me I need to discover how each one of them accepts my love! I could tell them till I'm blue in the face that I love them but with out action behind it, they are just words. Are they words that my children can trust and believe in!

As I continue to think about this, I know that people care and love me by the time they spend with me. Someone can tell me that they love me over and over again but it isn't really real until they take that time.

I am a big gift giver! I love giving gifts! It's how I show that I care about my friends, family, and children. The joy I get for making people smile and to have something tangible for them to be reminded that they are loved by me is priceless!

My husband wants to hear that I love him! No matter how much I clean up the house or cards I give him. He accepts my love through my words that are spoken.

I have no idea how Eli, Alex, or Emma accepts my love and I have years to come on finding that out. I believe it is so important to find that out! As a mother that is very important to me!!! Because when I am teaching them how to grow through life lessons they need to know that it comes from a loving spirit!

With the title of being a "Mother" come big responsibilities! I mean BIG! It also comes with So much JOY and LAUGHTER. On the flip side, it comes with heart ache and worry, and every other emotion imaginable. Smile

I trust in God that he made me the way I need to be to take on this great big responsibility of being a Mother. Every step of the way, he is right there guiding me. Teaching me how to take care of his children!

I am blessed to be a Mother! To me it is the best job in the whole world!!

Thank you to my family, OH how much I love each and everyone of you!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who Knew?

I titled this posting, "Who Knew?" Why do I say this? When I was a little girl my dream in life was this: To become a teacher, to become a wife, and to become a mother. To live my life the way God wants me to. Along this journey I have taken winding roads instead of the straight and narrow path. Each winding road growing me stronger into the person I need to be for where I am now in life!

Why did God allow me to have polio, why did I have to deal with all the self esteem issues that go along with it. Why did I get married latter in life? Why have I not become a teacher. But I ask myself these question and I know the answers and they are the three little children that you see in these pictures. My life experiences have prepared me to help my children grow into the young children they are going to be. My ability to be social and outgoing will help Eli to become the confident young man that I hope he will become. My understanding of physical challenges will help Alex to get the extra encouragement he needs to overcome his challenges. My desire to teach is helping all my kids to learn and to love to learn. Everything is a lesson in life!

So, I have become the person I want to be, maybe not the way I thought it would look like but they way God saw it would be!

The little things I relish... Eli reading two sentence's in a book at 4 years old. Alex signing his first "two word" put together, Emma rolling over for the first time. These are my joys!

I am blessed to have a husband who supports me in all I do! He works so hard so that I can stay home and be actively involved in my kids lives!! To a wonderful family who helps me financially and emotionally, as I go through all the tough struggles as well as blessings. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends who are my church family, who I know are there for me when ever I need them. For wonderful Mentors in my life who have supported me and given me such Godly wisdom and wisdom from their own lives to carry me through everything! MOST OF ALL I AM BLESSED To HAVE THE LOVE AND SUPPORT OF MY FATHER UP IN HEAVEN. Who knows all and shows me a little at a time of his best for me!!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! May I give to you as much as you have given to me!!!

I am back!

Hi everyone! I know it's almost been a year since my last posting. My life got really crazy busy! This year has been eventful. At my mops group a speaker came to talk on blogging so I thought I might pick it up again!

There is so much to say but right now I will give you the high lights of a few things. I'll come back tomorrow and write a little more and catch you up on what has been going on with the Taylor family!

Eli is now 4 and is in preschool and is now starting to read!
Alex is 2 1/2 and is doing well. He is involved in a lot of therapy and started to have horse riding therapy. "Ride to Walk"

And yes, there is a third one! I was correct in thinking it was a girl because baby Emma Christine Taylor was born on November 4, 2009. She has been such a joy and is growing up way to fast!

Jason, is still working hard to provide for his family and rock climbs and goes to our Wednesday Bible Study!!

I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off! My life is very busy and am devoted to my husband, kids , family and friends. My passion is still crafting and I love to make things for my MOPS group!!

So, I'm back everyone and will be writing more frequently. I do have lots to say and will try to do it when it is not so late!!

Have a restful sleep and I'll see ya soon!

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