Hey everyone,
Sorry I have not written in a while. Lots been going on. Aug 16 was my husbands 20 year reunion. We went away and stayed the night. My sister Mindy and her finance watched the two boy. It was my first time away from my two little ones. It was very hard for me. I missed them sooooo very much. It was also nice to give my husband my full attention. They had a lot of fun playing with Auntie Mindy.
This whole week I made two cakes and 24 cup cakes for my friends twin girls birthday party. It turned out great. It was a lot of work and I enjoyed it. I tried a new technique that I had never done before. It's called a transfer. I took pictures from a coloring book and transfered it to their cake. I was a little aprehensive, but it seemed to turn out all right. The girls were so excited. That's what makes it the best. She was also very thankful! I'm glad that I get to have that skill under my belt to help others.
Aug 20th was my birthday. I can't believe I am 32. I don't feel that old. I had a good time. My friend Suzy and her family came over. (she is the ones with the two sets of twins) My other good friends Lisa and Brian and their little girl Annabell came as well. I made them dinner and Lisa brought a cake. We tired to put the kids to bed and sat at the table to play the game "Settlers" For those who don't know that game. Check it out! It's an awesome game!!!
7 kids under my roof! WoW!! It was great thought. Two little ones Alex and Annabell slept in my room and the twin girls and Eli played/slept in Eli's room and the newborn twins were with their mommy and daddy. Eli had a wonderful time playing with the girls. It was a late but very fun night. It was an Awesome birthday. Thank you to my friends!
The next day we made cup cakes and went to my friend Suzy's girls birthday party. That was great.
So, Eli has been spending a lot of time with Hannah and Sara this whole week. The other day they came over again so Suzy could go somewhere. I volunteered to watch the girls. Eli saw them go to the bathroom and today, he has been running around but naked and going to the bathroom on his little chair. I will be continuing this all week long. I'm hoping to have him potty trained hopefully at the end of the week. Who knows? It could take two to three more weeks. We shall see.
I think watching the other girls really helps. Children around his age using the potty is a great encouragement. So, thank you Hannah and Sara!!!!!
Alex is doing better. He has is moment of being tired but in general he is doing quite well. He is sitting up for longer periods of time. His babbling has not full come back yet. When he is awake he is quite alert.
Thank you father for watching over your little one.
So, I've also been quite busy making cards. I've been looking on the internet and I've found people with blogs who have tutorials. I love it. So I've been working really hard on making card for gifts. I'll put pictures of some of the cards I made. I'll also give you the sights were I found some of these cards. These people are amazing and do such wonderful work. I'm even having a stamping party, I'm so excited to use their products!!!
Hope this entry finds all of you well!
I'll try to be better at writing some more.
Oh, I forgot. My little boy Alex broke in his first two bottom teeth. They cut through. I'm so excited for him. It also explains him waking up so much at night time the last two weeks. (smile) Yeah for baby Alex!!!!
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