I'm a stay at home mother!
How blessed am I.
I find that there is not
enough hours in the day! I'm in a bible study and we are going through a book that is stretching me like there is no tomorrow! One thing the book talks about is there is no more or less time than any other human being who has ever lived! It his me hard! Another thing that was written " ...one will absolutely never come along again--the job of rearing your own children and allowing them the increasingly rare opportunity to grow up at home."
I make my list of what I need to do that day! Most of the time more than half of it is not done. I can end up going to bed frustrated. I know If I don't get something done I want to do, I get frustrated with my children.
There is a time for everything and right now the time to spend with my kids is now! To play with them, teach them and give them my time, is now! Cleaning the house can be fun with the children as well. I don't need to neglect those jobs. Wanting to scrapbook or make cards. That doesn't have to be done at this time. It requires lots of room and time to do those things. I enjoy doing it very much but find myself getting frustrated because I don't get to do it until late at night when I am tired.
There will be a time when the kids go to school. (that is if I don't home school) There will be a time when the kids will have play dates or time they want to do things them selfs. Right now, Gods job for me is my kids and husband first and foremost! Knowing that, helps me not get so frustrated during the day when I know I won't have time to scrapbook or anything else, I want to do.
I chose to be a mother and I love it. I just need to prioritizes! This season is for my children!!!
Does not mean I don't get my own time. I go to a mom's group and that helps a lot! That is for me so I can be a better mom to my kids!
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