God puts people in your life when you really need them the most. These people maybe people who are in your life for that brief period of time. There are people who are there through out your life. I would like to tell you a few people in my life who have made a difference. Who have shaped me to be there person I am today!
My elementary Sunday school class, I met one of the helpers there. Her name was Elizabeth Anderson. She took my twin sister and I under her wing. She wasn't just our Sunday school teachers helper but she was our friend. She would have us over and make cookies, or watch movies. Her sister and mom would take Kari and I to the zoo. She fed us not just with friendship but spiritually as well.
When I was in high school and even now, another leader I be friended was my friend Christine Dawson. Let's just say high school times were difficult and God knew I needed my friend Christine. She at times was my saving Grace. She got me through a lot of ups and downs in my life. Even today thought I can't get together with her she is there in prayer and through e-mail. (loving modern times)
So many people have been there for me, I want to be there for other! A friend that I have gotten to know and have had the privilege of serving is my friend Suzy Snow! We met through mops group.
She has twin girls and is pregnant with her second set of twins. She has been on bed rest for the last 10 weeks. Things are going well for her and her babies. Through out all of this strict bed rest she has had a most wonderful outgoing attitude! She is a wonderful mother and a terrific friend! I have also gotten to know her twin girls who are so sweet and fun to be around. My little boys have been able to get to know them as well!
I would like to send out a prayer request for her. If you could lift her up in pray, that would be wonderful! Please pray that the babies are in the right position during birth.Also after she has the babies that she would be able to have a single room. I no request is to small for God!
Thank you so much!
mommy teresa
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